Tall Bearded (E-G)

 Easter Candy 
(Keppel 2011) Early mid-season, late bloom. Standards light yellow; style ...


 Edith Wolford 
(Hager 84) Stunning bicolor. Standards light canary yellow; falls medium b...


 Eleanors Pride 
(Watkins 52) Powder blue self. Historic over 30 years old. AM 58 HM 56 DM 61


 Elizabeth Poldark 
(R. Nichol 90) Heavily ruffled warm white; yellow throat and beards. One o...


 Enchanted Mesa 
(T. Magee 97) Standards sky blue; falls ivory, purple plicata edge. Beards...


 English Charm 
(Blyth 89) Ivory cream and peach apricot bicolor from Australia. Won the &...


 Evening Embers 
(Miller 2002) Violet purple, hint of dark blue; style arms dark blue; bear...


 Evening Tidings 
(Schreiner’s 2009) This remarkable beauty is a blue-violet bitone hi...


 Ever After 
(Keppel 86) Deep fuchsia rose self. Choice! HM 88


(Ghio 04) Mid blooming white, domed standards. Falls white with wide yello...


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